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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQ

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Improving Your IQEvery day, new studies show that the many functions of the brain do not necessarily deteriorate with old age. Thats good news for today's fast-paced, super-competitive world, where it's no longer enough to just keep up. But soaring past the competition is tough when one has the burned-out, stressed-out, "it's just not sinking in" blues. Here's the surefire way to boost readers brain power, and recharge their most important resource. Features a complete regimen for improving intelligence, problem-solving skills, and more. Exercises and quizzes help improve sensory perception, enhance coordination and motor skills, expand the capacity to learn, and stimulate creative thinking. Also features important information on food and supplements that can strengthen and reduce brain power, and discusses the relationship between stress and the brain.

Price: $16.95

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